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Use Graphviz to Generate Graphs

Install it from and add the installation path to se PATH variable.
Then, install the library in python:

pip install graphviz

Then, you can generate graphs, example for an deterministic automaton:

from graphviz import Digraph
# Init Digraph object.
dfa = Digraph(comment='AFD')
# Init transitions.
dfa.node('q0', 'q0')
dfa.node('q1', 'q1')
dfa.node('q2', 'q2', shape='doublecircle')
# Transitions
dfa.edge('q0', 'q0', label='a')
dfa.edge('q0', 'q1', label='b')
dfa.edge('q1', 'q2', label='a')
dfa.edge('q1', 'q1', label='b')
dfa.edge('q2', 'q0', label='a')
dfa.edge('q2', 'q1', label='b')
# Hot it should look.
dfa.attr(rankdir='LR')  # horizontal
# Save and print
dfa.render('afd_diagram', format='png', view=True)


python/graphviz.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/26 14:46 by odefta