Table of Contents
Useful commands - linux / ubuntu
[file] Show file type
file file.txt
[cat] Add line numbers to a file
cat -n file.txt nl file.txt
[tree] Show tree of files
tree -F -L 1 /
-F - show file type
-L - level (how nested should be), 1 - show only files under first directory level.
[ln] Symbolic link
ln -s lab02/.Hulk hulk
This will create file hulk as a shortcut for the (original) file lab02/.Hulk
[tar] Create a tar archive
tar -cvf archive.tar decrypted_file.txt encrypted_file.enc dir2
c - create
v - verbose
f - file name of the archive
[tar] Add a new file to the tar archive
tar -uf documente.tar raport_nou.txt tar -rf documente.tar raport_nou.txt
-u - update
-r - add (does not check if the file is newer)
[tar] View tar archive content
tar -tf archive.tar
t - table (view archive content as a 'table')
f - file name (archive name)
[tar] Extract tar content
tar -xvf archive.tar
x - extract
v - verbose
f - file
[tar] Create a tar.gz archive
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz decrypted_file.txt encrypted_file.enc dir2
z - compressed gzip
c - create
v - verbose
f - file name of the archive
[gunzip] Add a file to existing tar.gz archive
This cannot be done directly using tar tool, but we will use gunzip to extract the tar archive, add a new file to it and then gzip it again.
gunzip archive.tar.gz && tar -rf archive.tar newfile.txt && gzip archive.tar
[tar] View tar.gz archive content
tar -tzf archive.tar.gz
t - table (view archive content as a 'table')
z - compressed gzip
f - file name (archive name)
[tar] Extract tar.gz content
tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
x - extract
v - verbose
f - file
[zip] Create a zip archive
zip file1.txt file2.txt
[zip] Add a new file to the zip archive
zip -u new_file
-u - update (or add if not already in the archive)
[zip] View zip archive contents
zip -sf zip --show-files
[zip] Extract a zip archive
unzip -d dir
-d - optional destination directory, if missing the current directory will be used.
Find a file / directory
[find] Find all txt files in the users home directory
find ~ -name "*.txt"
[find] Find insensitive
sudo find / -iname "*ssh*conf"
[find] Find all files > 100 MB
find ~ -type f -size +100M
[find] Find and remove all files in /tmp directory
find /tmp -type f -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \;
{} - placeholder for each file, it will contain the full path name
\; - marks the end of the command
[find] Find executable files
find . -type f -executable
[find] Find all empty directories (and subdirectories)
find . -type d -empty
[find] Find all files that contain at least one digit (number) from a directory
Locate a file (searching in database instead of actual files on disk)
[locate] Installing the locate tool
sudo apt install mlocate sudo updatedb
[locate] Locate a file
locate "*ssh*conf"
[locate] Locate a file insensitive
locate -i "Example.txt"
[locate] Locate only the first 10 results
locate example.txt | head -10
[ps] List all active processes
ps -ef
e - 'every' - we want to see every process
f - 'full' - get full details
ps aux
a - all users
u - user oriented format output (display user who owns the process, CPU, memory, etc.)
x - also includes the processes that are not attached to a terminal.
[ps] List all processes of a certain user
ps -u username
[ps] List details of a specific process
Change 2638 with the actual process pid.
ps -p 2638
[ps] List processes based on cpu usage
ps -aux --sort=-%cpu
[ps] List processes based on memory usage
ps -aux --sort=-%mem
[ps] List processes with custom columns
ps -e -ouser,uid,pid,%mem,%cpu,rss,cmd --sort=%mem
[ps] List processes - descending sorting
Just add a - in the –sort.
ps -e -ouser,uid,pid,%mem,%cpu,rss,cmd --sort=-%mem | less
[ps] Search for a specific process
Replace gnome with your keyword.
ps -ef | grep gnome
[pstree] List the process tree
pstree pstree -u pstree -p
u - show users p - show pid
Get the pid of a process
Multiple methods:
pgrep nginx
ps aux | grep nginx | grep -v grep
pidof nginx
[apt] APT commands
sudo apt install nginx sudo apt search nginx sudo apt remove nginx sudo apt purge nginx sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade
[ip] Check if a network card is active
sudo ip link show
[ip] UP / DOWN states of network interfaces
Display only the names and states (UP / DOWN) of the network interfaces on the system, using the format interface_name:state.
ip link show | awk '/^[0-9]+:/ {print $2 " " $9}' | sed 's/://g' | awk '{print $1 ":" ($2=="UP"?"UP":"DOWN")}'
lo:DOWN ens33:UP ens34:UP docker0:DOWN br1:DOWN br2:DOWN
[ip] Start a network interface
ip link set dev eth1 up
[ip] View IPs on all network interfaces
sudo ip address show
[ip] Remove a network configuration from an interface
sudo ip address flush eth1
[ping] Check if a station is alive
ping -c 4
c - number of packets to send (by default is infinite)
[ip] Show routing table / find default gateway
ip route show
Default gateway ( is listed under the 'default via' section:
To extract just the default gateway ip:
ip route show | awk 'NR==1 {print $3}'
[ip] [nmcli] Find DNS Servers
nmcli dev show | grep DNS
resolvectl status | grep 'Current DNS'
To print only IPs:
nmcli dev show | grep DNS | cut -d ':' -f2 | tr -d ' '
[ip] [host] Get the IP address of a host / Check if DNS service is working
Update DNS Servers
Change the /etc/resolv.conf: nameserver nameserver
[netstat] Display open UDP ports
sudo netstat -ulpn
u - udp ports only
l - listening state ports only
p - program name / PID that has opened the port
n - shows the actual IP address on which the system is listening for connections, instead of resolving the host name.
sudo ss -ulpn
[netstat] Display open TCP ports
sudo netstat -tlpn
t - TCP
sudo ss -tlpn
[netstat] Display both TCP and UPD ports
sudo netstat -tulpn
t - TCP
u - UDP
sudo ss -tulpn
[nc] Establish a TCP communication with an application - Netcat
[wget] Download a single file from a HTTP(s) / FTP server
Download in background with a custom file name:
wget -b -O google.html
b - run in background
O - output file name.
[curl] Show only HTTP Header of a site
curl -I -L
I (or –head) - send only HTTP HEAD request instead of HTTP GET
L - follow any redirectrion.
[ssh] Connect to a SSH server
ssh user@
[ssh] Connect to a SSH server and run a command
ssh root@ ip address show
[scp] Send / copy a file to a remote machine
scp /home/file.txt student@
[scp] Receive / download a file from a remote machine
scp student@ ~/
[scp] Send / copy a directory to a remote machine
scp -r /home/dir student@
[scp] Receive / download a file from a remote machine
scp -r student@ ~/
[ssh][public key] SSH Public Key authentication
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 ssh-copy-id root@
What was generated:
- ~/.ssh/id_rsa –> private key
- ~/.ssh/ –> public key
[ls] Escaping globbing patterns / special characters
Just enclose the string in “”
ls support-globbing/"[HOME]"*
find . -name "*search*"
Get memory information
Get CPU information
cat /proc/cpuinfo
[grep] Search for a string in a file
cat workspace/C/searching/binary_search.c | grep search
grep search workspace/C/searching/binary_search.c
grep 'error' log.txt
[grep] Case insensitive search for a string in a file
grep -i 'string_to_search' file.txt
[grep] Count number of lines of searched string in file
grep -c 'cache' /proc/cpuinfo
[grep] Count number of occurrences (not just lines) of searched string in file
grep -o 'searched_string' file.txt | wc -l
o - print each occurrence on a separate line
l (from wc) - count lines
[grep] Recursive search for a string in a directory
grep -r 'cache' /proc 2>/dev/null
2>/dev/null - don't show errors
[grep] Recursive (and insensitive with line number displayed) search for a string in a directory
grep -nri search workspace/C/ | less
n - show line number
r - recursive
i - case insensitive
[grep] Recursive search for a word in a directory
grep -nri -w "search" workspace/C/ | less
[grep] Display lines that does NOT contain the searched string
Show all lines that does not contain error string:
grep -v 'error' log.txt
[grep] Display lines that starts with a certain string
Search for lines that starts with error string:
grep '^error' log.txt
[grep] Display a certain number of lines AFTER matching a string in a file
Displays each line that contains error, followed by 3 lines:
grep -A 3 'error' log.txt
[grep] Display a certain number of lines BEFORE matching a string in a file
Displays two lines before each line that contains error:
grep -B 2 'error' log.txt
[grep] Display a certain number of lines BEFORE and AFTER matching a string in a file
Displays two lines before and after each line that contains error:
grep -C 2 'error' log.txt
[grep] Search in a file for one string OR another using ERE (Extended Regular Expressions)
grep -E -i "error(s)?|warning(s)?" example.txt
E - extended regular expression i - case insensitive error(s) - search for strings that contains error or errors | - or warning(s) - search for string that contains warning or warnings ? - makes that previous element (s) to be optional.
[grep] Search in a file for an exact match of string OR another using ERE (Extended Regular Expressions)
grep -E -i "\berror(s)?|warning(s)?\b" example.txt
\b - the match will be made at the start and at the end of a word.
[grep] Add an alias - go for xdg-open
Instead of running xdg-open, we want to use go
For this we need to define an alias in ~/.bash_aliases (this is read from ~/.bashrc).
So we need to append line: alias go='xdg-open'
grep -qxF 'alias go='\''xdg-open'\''' ~/.bash_aliases || echo 'alias go='\''xdg-open'\''' >> ~/.bash_aliases
|| - the command after this OR operator will be executed if the command before it fails. q - run in silent mode, without printing anything x - search on the ENTIRE line F - disable regular expression, the string is a simple text. >> - append to the end.
Next, reload the ~/.bashrc file:
source ~/.bashrc
[;] Execute multiple commands in the same line, one by one
mkdir demo; cd demo; touch Hello; ls
[&&] Execute a command on the same line if the PREVIOUS one SUCCEEDED
mkdir operators/demo && cd operators/demo
[||] Execute a command on the same line if the PREVIOUS one FAILED
ls -d operators || mkdir operators
[find] Print info about files in the current directory using FIND with -exec
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec ls -l {} \;
[find] Print info about files in the current directory using FIND and PIPE
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
-print0 - finish each string found with a null character instead of newline. This helps in manipulating files that contains spaces or newlines.
0 - treat received input as a list of args separated by the null character - used to correctly processed the output of print0.
[find] Find all files from /lib that does not start with the lib prefix
find -L /lib -type f -not -name 'lib*.*'
L - follow symlinks (this is necessary because lib is a symlink for usr/lib)
not - negate the name
[xargs] Move all files (requiring confirmation) with a certain extension from the current folder to parent
ls *.c | xargs -I {} -p mv {} ..
I {} - placeholder / replacer for each character
p - requires user confirmation
Safer version (handles better the files with spaces):
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.c" -exec mv {} .. \;
[1> 2>] Redirect STDOUT and STDERR
Redirect both in firefox-ignore file.
firefox &> firefox-ignore
Another way:
firefox > firefox-ignore 2>&1
To redirect input in a file and output to another file:
firefox > firefox-output.txt 2> firefox-error.txt
firefox 1> firefox-output.txt 2> firefox-error.txt
> is equivalent to 1>
[dd] Generate 100 MB file with null values
dd if=/dev/zero of=null-100mb count=100 bs=1M
if=/dev/zero - input file will get data from /dev/zero
of=null-100mb - name of the output file
count=100 - number of blocks that will be copied
bs=1M - size of each block
[dd] Generate 100 MB file with random values
dd if=/dev/urandom of=rand-100mb count=100 bs=1M
[grep] Simple Regular Expressions Examples
Search for lines that starts with Hello:
grep '^Hello' message.txt
Search for lines that ends with ending:
grep 'ending$' message.txt
Search any lines that contains e followed by any character and then r:
grep 'e.r' message.txt
Search lines that contains sc followed by h or y and the o:
grep 'sc[hy]o' wordlist.txt
Search lines that contains sc followed any character except h or y and the o:
grep 'sc[^hy]o' wordlist.txt
Lines with the character o at least once:
grep -E 'o+' wordlist.txt
This means o with zero or more apparitions. So it will match everything:
grep -E 'o*' wordlist.txt
Search for one or another
grep 'succes|error' mesaje.txt
[grep] List lines that starts with a certain letter
[grep] List students with any secondary name that starts with F
grep '[ -]F[a-z]\+[^\.]' students.txt
[ -]F - space or - followed by F
[a-z]\+ - any a-z characters at least once. In standard grep (not extended) + should be prefixed with \
[^\.] - following character is not .
[ls] List files with .txt extension and a single character before extension
[ls] List all files that starts with a, b or c and have the .txt extension
ls [abc]*.txt
[abc] - characters a, b or c
* - any number of characters (including 0)
.txt - ends with txt
[grep] List students with their father initial followed optionally by . in their name
grep -E ' [A-Z]\.? ' students.txt
\.? - optional dot
[tr] Convert spaces and tabs to comma
cat students.txt | tr " " "," | tr "\t" ","
cat students.txt | tr " \t" ","
OR (much more cleaner)
tr " \t" "," < students.txt
[tr] Convert lowercase string to uppercase
[tr] Delete characters from a to e
[tr] Squeeze repetition of characters
[sed] Replace entire text
echo "hello world" | sed 's/world/universe/'
[sed] Replace first occurrence
[sed] Replace all occurrences
echo "apa de apa" | sed 's/apa/apa minerala/g'
g - substitution will be applied globally (for all occurrences on that line)
[sed] Delete lines
[sed] Insert text after a match
[sed] Edit the file in place
Replaces all occurrences of “old” with “new” in file.txt directly, modifying the file in place.
Use with caution and ideally with a backup.
sed -i 's/old/new/g' file.txt
i - in place
[cut] Print the first two columns (separated by space) from a file
cut -d ' ' -f1,2 students.txt
-d ' ' - delimiter is space
-f1,2 - column numbers to extract (starts with index 1)
[cut] List only the first bytes from each line
[cut] List only specific characters from each line
[awk] Extract column using a custom separator
awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd
F - field separator
[awk] Use multiple delimiters to extract columns from a file
Another way to set delimiter is in the BEGIN block.
awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ \t]+"} {print $1}' students.txt
BEGIN - special block used to adjust the initial settings before executing awk.
FS - field separator.
[ \t]+ - one or more spaces or tabs.
$1 - first column
[awk] Skip first two lines
w | awk 'FNR>2 {print $1}'
FNR - file number record (internal awk variable holding current line number).
[awk] Skip first column - print just other columns not the first one
history | awk '{$1=""; print $0}'
{$1=""} - sets the first column (represented by $1) to an empty string, effectively removing it from the output. \\ print $0 - prints the entire line to the output.
[awk] Skip first two columns
history | awk '{$1=""; $2=""; print $0}'
[awk] Add a header to the output and display the entire file content
[awk] Add a header and a footer to the output and display the entire file content
awk 'BEGIN {print "The File Contents:"} {print $0} END {print "This is the end my friends."}' students.txt
[awk] Display first word (string followed by a space) from each line of a file
Default column separator is any whitespace (space, tab) and newline.
awk '{print $1}' students.txt
$1 - first column
[awk] Display last word (string followed by a space) from each line of a file
[awk] Display entire line and change some column values
[awk] List students with notes greater than 5
[awk] Compute the average of final grades
awk '{sum += $5} END {print "Average of final grades:", sum/NR}' students.txt
sum - custom variable to count the sum (it is not predefined).
$5 - fifth column.
END - block which will be executed after all lines from the file were processed.
NR - internal awk variable which stores the total number of lines.
[awk] Customize the columns output
Print - between the first and second column:
awk '{print $1, "-", $2}' students.txt
[awk] Multiply column value based on a condition
[awk] Print only lines 5 and 7 from /etc/passwd
[seq] Generate a sequence of numbers from 1 to 5
[seq] Generate a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10, with an increment of 2
[seq] Generate a sequence of numbers from 0.5 to 2.5, with an increment of 0.5
[seq] Generates numbers with two decimal places
[seq] Generate numbers with equal width (added 0 in front)
[sort] Sort numbers ascending order
echo -e "5\n3\n8\n1" | sort -n
e - interpret escape sequences
n - numbers (sort as numbers)
[sort] Sort numbers descending order
[sort] Sort by a certain column
Sort numerically by second column.
echo -e "a 2\nc 1\nb 3" | sort -n -k2
k2 - sort by second column
Sort lexicographically by first column.
(k1 can be omitted here, sort will automatically sort lexicographically by the first column.)
echo -e "a 2\nc 1\nb 3" | sort -k1
[sort] Sort by multiple columns
cat multiple.txt | sort -k1,1 -k2,2gr
k1,1 - sort entire first column
k2,2 - sort entire second column
g - general numeric sort (sort better different kind of numbers for ex 2, 2.5, 3.55)
r - reverse
[sort] Unique sort - sort and remove duplicates
[sort] Sorting with a specific separator
Default separator is tab (\t). We want to change it to :.
echo -e "a:2\nb:1\nc:3" | sort -t: -k2
t - change separator
[sort] Check if the column is sorted (without sorting it, just check)
[uniq] Remove duplicated lines
[uniq] Remove duplicated lines and count occurences
[uniq] Show only lines that appear multiple times
[uniq] Show only not duplicated lines
[sort] [uniq] [awk] Most used 10 history commands
history | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr -k1 | head -10 | awk '{$1=""; print $0}'
[for] Start 10 processes in background then kill them
for i in {1..10}; do sleep 3000 & done; pkill sleep
[for] Create 15 files - their names contains numbers
Using a one-liner, create 15 files with names ranging from final-exam-00.txt to final-exam-15.txt.
for i in {0..15}; do touch final-exam-$(printf "%02d" $i).txt; done
[bash] All types of arguments in a bash script
#!/bin/bash echo "All args" echo "Using \$*:" for arg in "$*"; do echo "$arg" done echo "Using \$@:" for arg in "$@"; do echo "$arg" done echo "Using \$1, \$2, ..." echo "Arg 1: $1", "Arg 2: $2" echo "Script name is $0" echo "Number of args received is $#" echo "Printing all args using \$# and a for loop" nr_args=$# for (( i=1; i<=$nr_args; i++ )) do eval arg=\${$i} echo "Arg $i is: $arg" done
[bash] $var vs ${var}
[bash] Get the length (number of characters) of a variable
[bash] Extract a substring from a variable
[bash] Command substitution - $() structure
Execute a command based on the condition of another command:
if [[ $(grep -c "searched_word" fisier.txt) -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Word was found in the file." else echo "Word was not found, sorry." fi
Iterate through files:
for file in $(ls *.txt); do echo "Processing txt file: $file" done
[bash] [while-read] Read a file and assign a variable for each column
#!/bin/bash IFS=$'\t' while read name group final_grade test_grade practical_grade; do echo "$name --> $group --> $final_grade --> $test_grade --> $practical_grade" done < students.txt
IFS - defines the separator, here tab (\t).
[bash] [while-read] Read a file and adjust values based on a condition
#!/bin/bash IFS=$'\t' while read name group final_grade test_grade practical_grade; do if test "$final_grade" -gt 5; then echo "$name --> $group --> Good job, final grade is $final_grade --> $test_grade --> $practical_grade" fi echo "$name --> $group --> $final_grade --> $test_grade --> $practical_grade" done < students.txt
[bash] [for] Script for manipulating all files from a folder (print information about them, make backups)
#!/bin/bash for file in "$1"/* do if test -f "$file"; then stat -c "%a %F %n" "$file" cp "$file" "$file.bkp" fi done
%a - file permission in numeric form.
%F - file type.
%n - complete file name.
[bash] [rm] Script that removes itself
#!/bin/bash rm -- "$0"
– - end of command line options.
“$0” - the name of the script.
[bash] [for] Script to print the sum of the received arguments, error if no argument
#!/bin/bash nr_args=$# if [ "$nr_args" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error: No arguments provided. Usage: $0 <arg1> <arg2> ..." exit 1 fi sum=0 for (( i=1; i<=$nr_args; i++ )) do eval arg=\${$i} sum=$((sum + arg)) done echo "Sum is: $sum"
$((sum + arg)) is to evaluate arithmetic expression.
[bash] Advanced dictionary lookup script
Script to download the wbritish package (contains dictionaries) and which should validate the words from in.txt file located at in.txt with the words from the dictionary.
./ in.txt apple in dictionary noapple not in dictionary
Lookup script with the in.txt file downloaded locally (using wget
#!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <input_file>" exit 1 fi input_file=$1 if ! dpkg -l | grep -qw wbritish; then echo "Installing wbritish package." sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y wbritish fi if [ ! -f "$input_file" ]; then echo "File does not exist: $input_file" exit 2 fi while IFS= read -r word; do if look "$word" /usr/share/dict/british-english > /dev/null; then echo "$word in dictionary" else echo "$word not in dictionary" fi done < "$input_file"
./ in.txt mine in dictionary yours not in dictionary apples in dictionary notSoApples not in dictionary
Lookup script that will download the in.txt file from the remote location:
#!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "usage: $0 <input_file>" exit 1 fi input_file_url=$1 input_file="in.txt" wget -O "$input_file" "$input_file_url" || { echo "Eroare downloading input file."; exit 2; } if ! dpkg -l | grep -qw wbritish; then echo "wbritissh not installed, installing" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y wbritish fi if [ ! -f "$input_file" ]; then echo "input file does not exist: $input_file" exit 2 fi #read each word from input file and check if it is present in dictionary while IFS= read -r word; do if look "$word" /usr/share/dict/british-english > /dev/null; then echo "$word in dictionary" else echo "$word not in dictionary" fi done < "$input_file"
[bash] Advanced disk usage script
Create a script named that reads a number from stdin and displays the partition that has a disk usage percentage greater than that number.
If the input received is not a number, use a default threshold value chosen by you.
Usage example:
$ ./ Threshold = 12 WARNING: Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p6" used 13% WARNING: Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p1" used 27% $ ./ Threshold = ceva WARNING: Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p6" used 30% WARNING: Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p1" used 31%
#!/bin/bash # User should input the threshold echo "Enter the threshold (percent):" read threshold # Check if the threshold is a number if ! [[ "$threshold" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "Input is not a number, using default threshold: 20." threshold=20 else echo "Threshold = $threshold" fi df -h | awk -v threshold="$threshold" 'NR>1 {gsub(/%/,"",$5); if($5 > threshold) print "WARNING: Partition \""$1"\" used "$5"%"}'
[bash] [sec] [hash] Script to hash two arguments - string
Create a script that takes two arguments (strings). The script concatenates the two arguments and displays their SHA256 hash sum.
#!/bin/bash nr_args=$# if [ "$nr_args" -ne 2 ]; then echo "Error: two args should be present. Usage: $0 <arg1> <arg2>" exit 1 fi result="$1$2" echo -n $result | openssl dgst -sha256
[bash] [sec] [hash] Script to read all lines from a file and print the SHA256 sum of each
Suppose the input file is called parole.txt.
#!/bin/bash IFS=$'\n' while read password; do echo -n $password | openssl dgst -sha256 | cut -d '=' -f2 | awk '{print $1}' done < parole.txt
[bash] [ps] Script to display every second the process with highest CPU usage
#!/bin/bash while true; do clear #echo "Update on: $(date)" echo "Process with highest CPU usage:" ps -eo %cpu,pid,command --sort=-%cpu | head -n 2 sleep 1 done
[git] Configure initial settings
git config --global "Joe Black" git config --global "" git config --global init.defaultBranch main
[git] Create an empty local repository in the current directory
[git] Link a local repository with a github one
git remote add origin
The sync between the local repo and the remote (github) repo is made with pull (get) and push (put) commands.
[git] Check if the remote repo was configured correctly
[git] Get all branches and history from remote repo
[git] Get the current branch
[git] Verify log history
[git] Verify log history - show last commits only
Show only the last 4 commits:
git log -n 4
Show only the last 4 commits - more compact form:
git log -n 4 --oneline
[git] Add / commit a file on the current branch to the local repository
Create a file, and run git status:
echo "Hello World" > hello.txt git status
We have an untracked file we can add it (in staging area - which is a pre-commit step):
git add hello.txt
Use . to add all files (from current dir - which includes sub-dirs).
Now we can commit the hello.txt to the local repo:
git commit -m "Add hello.txt with hello world"
m - add a comment
After modifying a file (hello.txt) we can issue again a commit.
[git] Push the commit to the remote repo
[git] Adding a new branch
[git] Switch to other branch
[git] Merge two branches
First, let's commit something to our current branch add-gitignore and sync with the remote:
echo "*.o" > .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -m "Add .gitignore file" git push origin add-gitignore
Now we want to merge our branch main with the add-gitignore branch (to get the .gitignore file).
First, switch to the main branch and get the changes from the remote:
git checkout main git pull origin main
Now we are ready to merge our current branch main with add-gitignore:
git merge add-gitignore
Push the changes to the remote:
git push origin main
[git] Remove a branch both locally and remote
We want to delete our secondary branch add-gitignore.
First, we need to be on another branch (main).
git checkout main
Remove local branch.
git branch -d add-gitignore
Remove remote branch.
git push origin --delete add-gitignore
[git] Switch to a remote branch (without creating a local one with the same name)
Remote branch is test.
git fetch origin git branch -r (verify available remote branches) git checkout -t origin/test
[user] Check the current user
[user] Check another user
[user] Display all logged-in users
To display only the user name:
who | cut -d ' ' -f1
To display additional info:
To filter only the logged-in users:
w | awk 'FNR>2 {print $1}'
[user] Display the users who have opened a terminal on the host system
who | awk '$2 ~ /^tty/ {print $1}'
~ - equals for regular expressions / / - delimitates a regular expression ^tty - starts with tty.
[user] Get only the UID for a certain user
This will print all info.
id syslog
This will print the first column.
id syslog | awk '{print $1}'
This will get the uid value after =.
id syslog | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d= -f2
Finally, this will get the actual uid value.
id syslog | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d'(' -f1
[user] Switch user
Switch to another user, you should know only your password. User should be present in sudoers file.
sudo su <user_name>
Switch to another user, you should know only your password.
sudo su - <user_name>
- will use the environment variables of that new user.
Switch to another user, you should know the password of the new user.
su <user_name>
Switch to another user, simulate initial login (-i).
sudo -u <user_name> -i
Start a new login session.
sudo login <user_name>
[user] Create a new user
Simplest and interactive way:
sudo adduser joe
We can add the existing user joe to the joegroup:
sudo adduser joe joegroup
Advanced, with more options (specify home directory, default shell, default group).
sudo groupadd joegroup sudo useradd -m -d /home/joe -s /bin/bash -g joegroup joe
m - create home directory.
d - path to the home directory.
s - set implicit shell.
g - set primary group.
To add also secondary groups:
sudo groupadd joesecond sudo groupadd joethird sudo useradd -m -d /home/joe -s /bin/bash -g joegroup -G joesecond,joethird joe
G - secondary groups separated by comma.
Add / change the joe's password:
sudo passwd joe
[user] Modify an existing user
Add secondary groups to the user:
sudo groupadd joefourth sudo groupadd joefive sudo usermod -a -G joefourth,joefive joe
a - add (important!), without it, the user will be eliminated from the other secondary groups.
Modify the home directory:
sudo usermod -d /home/newjoe joe
d - dir name.
Change the joe's default shell (First, inspect the /etc/shells file for a list of all available shells)
sudo usermod -s /bin/sh joe
Same effect can be obtained with
sudo chsh -s /bin/sh joe
Modify the joe's primary group:
sudo usermod -g joesecond joe
[user] Remove an user
Remove joe, but keep its files.
sudo userdel joe
Remove joe with all its files (from home dir and other places).
sudo userdel -r joe
r - recursive
[user] Block an user to authenticate
sudo usermod -s /usr/sbin/nologin joe
[user] View user details
[user] Change mode
Owner read and write, group read, other no permission:
chmod 640 file.txt chmod u=rw,g=r,o= file.txt
Add execute right for others:
chmod 641 file.txt chmod o+x file.txt
Eliminate read permission for group:
chmod 601 file.txt chmod g-r file.txt
Eliminate write permission for all:
chmod ugo-w file.txt
[user] Change owner
Change the owner to joe user and joegroup group.
sudo chown joe:joegroup file.txt
Change only the owner (let the group intact).
sudo chown joe file.txt
Change the owner of all files in a directory (recursive) - let the group intact.
sudo chown -R joe dir
Change the owner of all files in a directory (recursive) - change also the group.
sudo chown -R joe:joegroup dir
[user] Just two users should have right to modify files from a folder
Suppose those 2 users are uso and so. Folder path is /uso.
sudo groupadd usogroup sudo usermod -aG usogroup uso sudo usermod -aG usogroup so sudo chgrp -R usogroup /uso sudo chmod -R 770 /uso
[user] Generate passwords
Generate 5 password of length 10, one per line, each containing at least one uppercase letter.
for i in {1..5}; do echo $(openssl rand -base64 9 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | cut -c 1-9)$(tr -dc 'A-Z' < /dev/urandom | head -c 1) done
Same thing using pwgen tool.
sudo apt install pwgen
pwgen -c -n -B 10 5 | tr ' ' '\n'
c (–capitalize) - at least one capital letter will be included.
n (–numerals) - at least one number will be included.
B (–ambiguous) - eliminate ambiguous characters (like 0 and O).
10 - length of the password.
5 - generate 5 password.
[sec] [base64] Encoding / decoding a string using base64
echo -n "Base64 is not encryption!" | base64
echo -n "QmFzZTY0IGlzIG5vdCBlbmNyeXB0aW9uIQ==" | base64 -d
d - decoding
Base64 is not encryption!
[sec] [base64] Encoding / decoding an entire file using base64
base64 file.txt > file64.txt
base64 -d file64.txt > file_dec.txt
[sec] [openssl] Encrypting / decrypting a file using OpenSSL
Encrypt the file file.txt to file file.enc
echo -n "plaintext content" > file.txt openssl aes-256-cbc -in file.txt -out file.enc -pass pass:"my secret" -pbkdf2 -iter 10000
aes-256-cbc - encrypt the file using AES-256 in CBC mode
in - input file (plain text)
out - output file (encrypted)
pass - sets the passphrase (will be used for decryption)
pbkdf2 - selects PBKDF2 for key derivation, enhancing security against brute-force attacks
iter 10000 - sets the number of iterations in the key derivation, increasing the difficulty of cracking the encryption.
Decrypt the file file.enc to decrypted_file.txt.
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in file.enc -out decrypted_file.txt -pass pass:"my secret" -pbkdf2 -iter 10000
d - decrypt
[sec] [hash] Hash a string
Using md5 (less secure) - two ways of achieving the same result.
echo -n "plaintext content" | md5sum
f88d6c9eab9c6a2ef3cfd3c59832b4d6 -
echo -n "plaintext content" | openssl dgst -md5
MD5(stdin)= f88d6c9eab9c6a2ef3cfd3c59832b4d6
Using SHA256 (much more secure - less collision issues).
echo -n "plaintext content" | openssl dgst -sha256
SHA2-256(stdin)= d800efe86c80b6054cff4850f3044d73e979429809f28029e26cd9c4f6d6cea8
[sec] [hash] Hash an entire file
file.txt content: plaintext content
Using md5.
md5sum file.txt
88d6c9eab9c6a2ef3cfd3c59832b4d6 file.txt
Using SHA256.
sha256sum file.txt
d800efe86c80b6054cff4850f3044d73e979429809f28029e26cd9c4f6d6cea8 file.txt
[sec] [password cracking] Crack linux users passwords using John The Ripper
Install John The Ripper tool.
sudo apt install john
Merge the Linux system files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow to create a single file (mypasswd.txt) containing user accounts and their hashed passwords.
sudo unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > mypasswd.txt
Create a word list used to guess the password.
echo -ne "school\nuniversity\nstudent" > wordlist.txt
n - avoid printing the newline
e - interpret backslash escapes.
Now we are ready to run John The Ripper.
john --wordlist=wordlist.txt mypasswd.txt
Finally, crack the passwords:
john --format=crypt mypasswd.txt
View the actual passwords (right after username):
john --format=crypt mypasswd.txt --show
[sec] [password cracking] Crack a zip archive password using John The Ripper
hashfile contains extracted password hashes.
This will use the default dictionary (word list) file.
john --format=zip hashfile
To use a custom dictionary file:
john --format=zip hashfile --wordlist=path/to/your/wordlist.txt
[sec] [password cracking] Crack a zip archive password using fcrackzip
Install the fcrackzip tool.
sudo apt install fcrackzip
Brute-force guessing the password. We know it has 4 characters.
fcrackzip -v -l 1-4 -u
v - verbose
l 1-4 - pwd length from 1 to 4
u - extract the zip archive when the password is found.
Use a dictionary to crack the password.
fcrackzip -u -D -p wordlist.txt
u - extract the zip archive when the password is found.
D - enables dictionary mode.
p - path to the dictionary file.
[sec] [hash cracking] Find a hidden message from a file with hashes (one per line)
Suppose we have my-hashes.txt:
F5D6C6C424929713C297514199F7CA41 AAD24C09BF816BBC6EA29C35DF52F896 F95B70FDC3088560732A5AC135644506 6EF5FA162DA08580BF5D1F88520F7388 CBB184DD8E05C9709E5DCAEDAA0495CF 1BC29B36F623BA82AAF6724FD3B16718
We'll take each line, put it in
The decrypted info from each line will form the final message.