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How to read the content of a file (both web and node.js)

Read a file in web browser

The following script reads the content of a file selected by the user and then displays those contents in a <pre> element.
When the “Read File” button is clicked, the readFile function is called, which reads the file selected in the file input field and writes its contents to the fileContents element.

When working with JavaScript in a web browser context, you can't freely access the user's file system due to strict security restrictions. This is a measure to protect users from potentially malicious actions that a website could perform, like reading sensitive data or modifying files without permission.

What this means is that JavaScript running in a browser does not have the ability to simply ask for a file or directory path and directly read the file content. The user must explicitly select the file to be read, typically via a file input control (<input type=“file”>).

When a user selects a file via such an input, the browser only provides your JavaScript code with a File object representing the chosen file. This doesn't disclose the file's actual path on the user's file system, again for security reasons.

Then you can use an object like FileReader to read the content of that file, but even here you don't have free rein. You can't write to the file or read other files that the user didn't explicitly select.

The only exception to this is when using JavaScript in a different context, like a server-side environment (Node.js, for example), or in browser extensions where you can request additional permissions. In those cases, JavaScript has more freedom to interact with the file system directly, because the context is more controlled and the user typically has to grant explicit permissions for such actions.

java-script/read-file.1691180237.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/04 23:17 by odefta