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|| (Logical OR) vs ?? (Nullish Coalescing) vs && (Logical AND)

The ||, ??, and && operators are used to perform different types of logical operations.

|| (Logical OR)

The || operator returns the first truthy value it encounters or the last value if none are truthy:

const a = 0;
const b = 'hello';
const result = a || b; // 'hello'

?? (Nullish Coalescing)

The ?? operator returns the right-hand operand when the left-hand operand is null or undefined, and the left-hand operand otherwise.
It's useful for providing default values:

const a = undefined;
const b = 'default';
const result = a ?? b; // 'default'

&& (Logical AND)

The && operator returns the first falsy value it encounters or the last value if all are truthy:

const a = 'hello';
const b = 42;
const result = a && b; // 42


|| is generally used for providing a fallback value when dealing with falsy values (false, 0, , null, undefined, NaN).

?? is more specific than || because it only falls back for null or undefined, not for other falsy values like 0 or an empty string ''.

&&** is used to ensure that multiple conditions are truthy.

Example: <code javascript> const value = 0; const fallback1 = 'fallback'; const result1 = value || fallback1; 'fallback' because 0 is falsy const result2 = value ?? fallback1; 0 because 0 is not null or undefined const result3 = value && fallback1; 0 because 0 is the first value, and it's falsy </code>

java-script/nullish-coalescing-vs-logicar-or-vs-logical-and.1691627279.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/10 03:27 by odefta