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Fetch using async/await


Async/Await is part of the ES2017 specification and provides a more streamlined syntax for dealing with promises, leading to cleaner, easier-to-read code.
Async/Await uses JavaScript fetch API (which returns promises) for making HTTP requests.
The async and await keywords enable asynchronous, promise-based behavior to be written in a cleaner style, avoiding the need for explicitly chaining promises. These keywords make the asynchronous code look and behave like synchronous code.

Async/Await may not be supported in all browsers (although it is supported in most modern browsers), and you may need to use a tool like Babel to transpile your code for older browser support.

Advantages over AJAX

Async/Await in JavaScript, which is often used with the Fetch API for making HTTP requests, has several advantages over traditional AJAX techniques:

  1. Readability: Async/Await makes asynchronous code look and behave more like synchronous code. This makes the code cleaner and easier to understand.
  1. Error Handling: With Async/Await, you can use classic try/catch blocks for error handling, which is more straightforward and intuitive compared to handling errors in callbacks or promise chains.
  1. Avoiding Callback Hell: With AJAX and callbacks, code can become nested and complicated very quickly, a situation often referred to as “callback hell”. This is avoided with async/await, since each step in an async function appears to be a linear, sequential operation, not a nested one.
  1. Improved Debugging: Debugging async/await code is simpler than debugging promises or callbacks. Each async function operates as a smaller self-contained unit which can be stepped through with debugging tools.
  1. Concurrency Control: Async/Await makes it easier to control concurrency. For example, with Promise.all() and async/await, you can start several asynchronous tasks all at once and then await them all, which can lead to performance improvements.
java-script/fetch-using-async-await.1691061711.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/03 14:21 by odefta