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Download libcurl

Include all dependencies in deps folder:

To build the debug version, run from winbuild folder:

nmake /f DEBUG=yes mode=static WITH_SSL=static WITH_NGHTTP2=static WITH_ZLIB=static WITH_SSH2=static ENABLE_WINSSL=yes MACHINE=x86 SSL_PATH=D:/curl/deps WITH_DEVEL=D:/curl/deps RTLIBCFG=static NGHTTP2_PATH=D:/curl/deps ZLIB_PATH=D:/curl/deps GEN_PDB=yes

To build the release version, update the deps folder with release dependencies libraries, then run from winbuild folder:

nmake /f mode=static WITH_SSL=static WITH_NGHTTP2=static WITH_ZLIB=static WITH_SSH2=static ENABLE_WINSSL=yes MACHINE=x86 SSL_PATH=D:/curl/deps WITH_DEVEL=D:/curl/deps RTLIBCFG=static NGHTTP2_PATH=D:/curl/deps ZLIB_PATH=D:/curl/deps GEN_PDB=yes
c/build/build-libcurl-statically-on-windows-vs2017.1594048544.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/04 19:36 (external edit)