file file.txt
cat -n file.txt nl file.txt
tree -F -L 1 /
-F - show file type
-L - level (how nested should be), 1 - show only files under first directory level.
ln -s lab02/.Hulk hulk
This will create file hulk as a shortcut for the (original) file lab02/.Hulk
tar -cvf archive.tar decrypted_file.txt encrypted_file.enc dir2
c - create
v - verbose
f - file name of the archive
tar -uf documente.tar raport_nou.txt tar -rf documente.tar raport_nou.txt
-u - update
-r - add (does not check if the file is newer)
tar -tf archive.tar
t - table (view archive content as a 'table')
f - file name (archive name)
tar -xvf archive.tar
x - extract
v - verbose
f - file
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz decrypted_file.txt encrypted_file.enc dir2
z - compressed gzip
c - create
v - verbose
f - file name of the archive
This cannot be done directly using tar tool, but we will use gunzip to extract the tar archive, add a new file to it and then gzip it again.
gunzip archive.tar.gz && tar -rf archive.tar newfile.txt && gzip archive.tar
tar -tzf archive.tar.gz
t - table (view archive content as a 'table')
z - compressed gzip
f - file name (archive name)
tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
x - extract
v - verbose
f - file
zip file1.txt file2.txt
zip -u new_file
-u - update (or add if not already in the archive)
zip -sf zip --show-files
unzip -d dir
-d - optional destination directory, if missing the current directory will be used.
find ~ -name "*.txt"
sudo find / -iname "*ssh*conf"
find ~ -type f -size +100M
find /tmp -type f -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \;
{} - placeholder for each file, it will contain the full path name
\; - marks the end of the command
find . -type f -executable
find . -type d -empty
sudo apt install mlocate sudo updatedb
locate "*ssh*conf"
locate -i "Example.txt"
locate example.txt | head -10
ps -ef
e - 'every' - we want to see every process
f - 'full' - get full details
ps aux
a - all users
u - user oriented format output (display user who owns the process, CPU, memory, etc.)
x - also includes the processes that are not attached to a terminal.
ps -u username
Change 2638 with the actual process pid.
ps -p 2638
ps -aux --sort=-%cpu
ps -aux --sort=-%mem
ps -e -ouser,uid,pid,%mem,%cpu,rss,cmd --sort=%mem
Just add a - in the –sort.
ps -e -ouser,uid,pid,%mem,%cpu,rss,cmd --sort=-%mem | less
Replace gnome with your keyword.
ps -ef | grep gnome
pstree pstree -u pstree -p
u - show users p - show pid
Multiple methods:
pgrep nginx
ps aux | grep nginx | grep -v grep
pidof nginx
sudo apt install nginx sudo apt search nginx sudo apt remove nginx sudo apt purge nginx sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade
sudo ip link show
Display only the names and states (UP / DOWN) of the network interfaces on the system, using the format interface_name:state.
ip link show | awk '/^[0-9]+:/ {print $2 " " $9}' | sed 's/://g' | awk '{print $1 ":" ($2=="UP"?"UP":"DOWN")}'
lo:DOWN ens33:UP ens34:UP docker0:DOWN br1:DOWN br2:DOWN
ip link set dev eth1 up
sudo ip address show
sudo ip address flush eth1
ping -c 4
c - number of packets to send (by default is infinite)
ip route show
Default gateway ( is listed under the 'default via' section:
To extract just the default gateway ip:
ip route show | awk 'NR==1 {print $3}'
nmcli dev show | grep DNS
resolvectl status | grep 'Current DNS'
To print only IPs:
nmcli dev show | grep DNS | cut -d ':' -f2 | tr -d ' '
Change the /etc/resolv.conf: nameserver nameserver
sudo netstat -ulpn
u - udp ports only
l - listening state ports only
p - program name / PID that has opened the port
n - shows the actual IP address on which the system is listening for connections, instead of resolving the host name.
sudo ss -ulpn
sudo netstat -tlpn
t - TCP
sudo ss -tlpn
sudo netstat -tulpn
t - TCP
u - UDP
sudo ss -tulpn
Download in background with a custom file name:
wget -b -O google.html
b - run in background
O - output file name.
curl -I -L
I (or –head) - send only HTTP HEAD request instead of HTTP GET
L - follow any redirectrion.
ssh user@
ssh root@ ip address show
scp /home/file.txt student@
scp student@ ~/
scp -r /home/dir student@
scp -r student@ ~/
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 ssh-copy-id root@
What was generated:
Just enclose the string in “”
ls support-globbing/"[HOME]"*
find . -name "*search*"
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat workspace/C/searching/binary_search.c | grep search
grep search workspace/C/searching/binary_search.c
grep 'error' log.txt
grep -i 'string_to_search' file.txt
grep -c 'cache' /proc/cpuinfo
grep -o 'searched_string' file.txt | wc -l
o - print each occurrence on a separate line
l (from wc) - count lines
grep -r 'cache' /proc 2>/dev/null
2>/dev/null - don't show errors
grep -nri search workspace/C/ | less
n - show line number
r - recursive
i - case insensitive
grep -nri -w "search" workspace/C/ | less
Show all lines that does not contain error string:
grep -v 'error' log.txt
Search for lines that starts with error string:
grep '^error' log.txt
Displays each line that contains error, followed by 3 lines:
grep -A 3 'error' log.txt
Displays two lines before each line that contains error:
grep -B 2 'error' log.txt
Displays two lines before and after each line that contains error:
grep -C 2 'error' log.txt
grep -E -i "error(s)?|warning(s)?" example.txt
E - extended regular expression i - case insensitive error(s) - search for strings that contains error or errors | - or warning(s) - search for string that contains warning or warnings ? - makes that previous element (s) to be optional.
grep -E -i "\berror(s)?|warning(s)?\b" example.txt
\b - the match will be made at the start and at the end of a word.
Instead of running xdg-open, we want to use go
For this we need to define an alias in ~/.bash_aliases (this is read from ~/.bashrc).
So we need to append line: alias go='xdg-open'
grep -qxF 'alias go='\''xdg-open'\''' ~/.bash_aliases || echo 'alias go='\''xdg-open'\''' >> ~/.bash_aliases
|| - the command after this OR operator will be executed if the command before it fails. q - run in silent mode, without printing anything x - search on the ENTIRE line F - disable regular expression, the string is a simple text. >> - append to the end.
Next, reload the ~/.bashrc file:
source ~/.bashrc
mkdir demo; cd demo; touch Hello; ls
mkdir operators/demo && cd operators/demo
ls -d operators || mkdir operators
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec ls -l {} \;
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
-print0 - finish each string found with a null character instead of newline. This helps in manipulating files that contains spaces or newlines.
0 - treat received input as a list of args separated by the null character - used to correctly processed the output of print0.
find -L /lib -type f -not -name 'lib*.*'
L - follow symlinks (this is necessary because lib is a symlink for usr/lib)
not - negate the name
ls *.c | xargs -I {} -p mv {} ..
I {} - placeholder / replacer for each character
p - requires user confirmation
Safer version (handles better the files with spaces):
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.c" -exec mv {} .. \;
Redirect both in firefox-ignore file.
firefox &> firefox-ignore
Another way:
firefox > firefox-ignore 2>&1
To redirect input in a file and output to another file:
firefox > firefox-output.txt 2> firefox-error.txt
firefox 1> firefox-output.txt 2> firefox-error.txt
> is equivalent to 1>
dd if=/dev/zero of=null-100mb count=100 bs=1M
if=/dev/zero - input file will get data from /dev/zero
of=null-100mb - name of the output file
count=100 - number of blocks that will be copied
bs=1M - size of each block
dd if=/dev/urandom of=rand-100mb count=100 bs=1M
Search for lines that starts with Hello:
grep '^Hello' message.txt
Search for lines that ends with ending:
grep 'ending$' message.txt
Search any lines that contains e followed by any character and then r:
grep 'e.r' message.txt
Search lines that contains sc followed by h or y and the o:
grep 'sc[hy]o' wordlist.txt
Search lines that contains sc followed any character except h or y and the o:
grep 'sc[^hy]o' wordlist.txt
Lines with the character o at least once:
grep -E 'o+' wordlist.txt
This means o with zero or more apparitions. So it will match everything:
grep -E 'o*' wordlist.txt
Search for one or another
grep 'succes|error' mesaje.txt
grep '[ -]F[a-z]\+[^\.]' students.txt
[ -]F - space or - followed by F
[a-z]\+ - any a-z characters at least once. In standard grep (not extended) + should be prefixed with \
[^\.] - following character is not .
ls [abc]*.txt
[abc] - characters a, b or c
* - any number of characters (including 0)
.txt - ends with txt
grep -E ' [A-Z]\.? ' students.txt
\.? - optional dot
cat students.txt | tr " " "," | tr "\t" ","
cat students.txt | tr " \t" ","
OR (much more cleaner)
tr " \t" "," < students.txt
echo "hello world" | sed 's/world/universe/'
echo "apa de apa" | sed 's/apa/apa minerala/g'
g - substitution will be applied globally (for all occurrences on that line)
Replaces all occurrences of “old” with “new” in file.txt directly, modifying the file in place.
Use with caution and ideally with a backup.
sed -i 's/old/new/g' file.txt
i - in place
cut -d ' ' -f1,2 students.txt
-d ' ' - delimiter is space
-f1,2 - column numbers to extract (starts with index 1)
awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd
F - field separator
Another way to set delimiter is in the BEGIN block.
awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ \t]+"} {print $1}' students.txt
BEGIN - special block used to adjust the initial settings before executing awk.
FS - field separator.
[ \t]+ - one or more spaces or tabs.
$1 - first column
w | awk 'FNR>2 {print $1}'
FNR - file number record (internal awk variable holding current line number).
history | awk '{$1=""; print $0}'
{$1=""} - sets the first column (represented by $1) to an empty string, effectively removing it from the output. \\ print $0 - prints the entire line to the output.
history | awk '{$1=""; $2=""; print $0}'
awk 'BEGIN {print "The File Contents:"} {print $0} END {print "This is the end my friends."}' students.txt
awk '{print $1}' students.txt
$1 - first column
awk '{sum += $5} END {print "Average of final grades:", sum/NR}' students.txt
sum - custom variable to count the sum (it is not predefined).
$5 - fifth column.
END - block which will be executed after all lines from the file were processed.
NR - internal awk variable which stores the total number of lines.
Print - between the first and second column:
awk '{print $1, "-", $2}' students.txt
echo -e "5\n3\n8\n1" | sort -n
e - interpret escape sequences
n - numbers (sort as numbers)
Sort numerically by second column.
echo -e "a 2\nc 1\nb 3" | sort -n -k2
k2 - sort by second column
Sort lexicographically by first column.
(k1 can be omitted here, sort will automatically sort lexicographically by the first column.)
echo -e "a 2\nc 1\nb 3" | sort -k1
cat multiple.txt | sort -k1,1 -k2,2gr
k1,1 - sort entire first column
k2,2 - sort entire second column
g - general numeric sort (sort better different kind of numbers for ex 2, 2.5, 3.55)
r - reverse
Default separator is tab (\t). We want to change it to :.
echo -e "a:2\nb:1\nc:3" | sort -t: -k2
t - change separator
history | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr -k1 | head -10 | awk '{$1=""; print $0}'
for i in {1..10}; do sleep 3000 & done; pkill sleep
Using a one-liner, create 15 files with names ranging from final-exam-00.txt to final-exam-15.txt.
for i in {0..15}; do touch final-exam-$(printf "%02d" $i).txt; done
#!/bin/bash echo "All args" echo "Using \$*:" for arg in "$*"; do echo "$arg" done echo "Using \$@:" for arg in "$@"; do echo "$arg" done echo "Using \$1, \$2, ..." echo "Arg 1: $1", "Arg 2: $2" echo "Script name is $0" echo "Number of args received is $#" echo "Printing all args using \$# and a for loop" nr_args=$# for (( i=1; i<=$nr_args; i++ )) do eval arg=\${$i} echo "Arg $i is: $arg" done
Execute a command based on the condition of another command:
if [[ $(grep -c "searched_word" fisier.txt) -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Word was found in the file." else echo "Word was not found, sorry." fi
Iterate through files:
for file in $(ls *.txt); do echo "Processing txt file: $file" done
#!/bin/bash IFS=$'\t' while read name group final_grade test_grade practical_grade; do echo "$name --> $group --> $final_grade --> $test_grade --> $practical_grade" done < students.txt
IFS - defines the separator, here tab (\t).
#!/bin/bash IFS=$'\t' while read name group final_grade test_grade practical_grade; do if test "$final_grade" -gt 5; then echo "$name --> $group --> Good job, final grade is $final_grade --> $test_grade --> $practical_grade" fi echo "$name --> $group --> $final_grade --> $test_grade --> $practical_grade" done < students.txt
#!/bin/bash for file in "$1"/* do if test -f "$file"; then stat -c "%a %F %n" "$file" cp "$file" "$file.bkp" fi done
%a - file permission in numeric form.
%F - file type.
%n - complete file name.
#!/bin/bash rm -- "$0"
– - end of command line options.
“$0” - the name of the script.
#!/bin/bash nr_args=$# if [ "$nr_args" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Error: No arguments provided. Usage: $0 <arg1> <arg2> ..." exit 1 fi sum=0 for (( i=1; i<=$nr_args; i++ )) do eval arg=\${$i} sum=$((sum + arg)) done echo "Sum is: $sum"
$((sum + arg)) is to evaluate arithmetic expression.
Script to download the wbritish package (contains dictionaries) and which should validate the words from in.txt file located at in.txt with the words from the dictionary.
./ in.txt apple in dictionary noapple not in dictionary
Lookup script with the in.txt file downloaded locally (using wget
#!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <input_file>" exit 1 fi input_file=$1 if ! dpkg -l | grep -qw wbritish; then echo "Installing wbritish package." sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y wbritish fi if [ ! -f "$input_file" ]; then echo "File does not exist: $input_file" exit 2 fi while IFS= read -r word; do if look "$word" /usr/share/dict/british-english > /dev/null; then echo "$word in dictionary" else echo "$word not in dictionary" fi done < "$input_file"
./ in.txt mine in dictionary yours not in dictionary apples in dictionary notSoApples not in dictionary
Lookup script that will download the in.txt file from the remote location:
#!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "usage: $0 <input_file>" exit 1 fi input_file_url=$1 input_file="in.txt" wget -O "$input_file" "$input_file_url" || { echo "Eroare downloading input file."; exit 2; } if ! dpkg -l | grep -qw wbritish; then echo "wbritissh not installed, installing" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y wbritish fi if [ ! -f "$input_file" ]; then echo "input file does not exist: $input_file" exit 2 fi #read each word from input file and check if it is present in dictionary while IFS= read -r word; do if look "$word" /usr/share/dict/british-english > /dev/null; then echo "$word in dictionary" else echo "$word not in dictionary" fi done < "$input_file"
Create a script named that reads a number from stdin and displays the partition that has a disk usage percentage greater than that number.
If the input received is not a number, use a default threshold value chosen by you.
Usage example:
$ ./ Threshold = 12 WARNING: Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p6" used 13% WARNING: Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p1" used 27% $ ./ Threshold = ceva WARNING: Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p6" used 30% WARNING: Partition "/dev/nvme0n1p1" used 31%
#!/bin/bash # User should input the threshold echo "Enter the threshold (percent):" read threshold # Check if the threshold is a number if ! [[ "$threshold" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "Input is not a number, using default threshold: 20." threshold=20 else echo "Threshold = $threshold" fi df -h | awk -v threshold="$threshold" 'NR>1 {gsub(/%/,"",$5); if($5 > threshold) print "WARNING: Partition \""$1"\" used "$5"%"}'
Create a script that takes two arguments (strings). The script concatenates the two arguments and displays their SHA256 hash sum.
#!/bin/bash nr_args=$# if [ "$nr_args" -ne 2 ]; then echo "Error: two args should be present. Usage: $0 <arg1> <arg2>" exit 1 fi result="$1$2" echo -n $result | openssl dgst -sha256
Suppose the input file is called parole.txt.
#!/bin/bash IFS=$'\n' while read password; do echo -n $password | openssl dgst -sha256 | cut -d '=' -f2 | awk '{print $1}' done < parole.txt
#!/bin/bash while true; do clear #echo "Update on: $(date)" echo "Process with highest CPU usage:" ps -eo %cpu,pid,command --sort=-%cpu | head -n 2 sleep 1 done
git config --global "Joe Black" git config --global "" git config --global init.defaultBranch main
git remote add origin
The sync between the local repo and the remote (github) repo is made with pull (get) and push (put) commands.
Show only the last 4 commits:
git log -n 4
Show only the last 4 commits - more compact form:
git log -n 4 --oneline
Create a file, and run git status:
echo "Hello World" > hello.txt git status
We have an untracked file we can add it (in staging area - which is a pre-commit step):
git add hello.txt
Use . to add all files (from current dir - which includes sub-dirs).
Now we can commit the hello.txt to the local repo:
git commit -m "Add hello.txt with hello world"
m - add a comment
After modifying a file (hello.txt) we can issue again a commit.
First, let's commit something to our current branch add-gitignore and sync with the remote:
echo "*.o" > .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -m "Add .gitignore file" git push origin add-gitignore
Now we want to merge our branch main with the add-gitignore branch (to get the .gitignore file).
First, switch to the main branch and get the changes from the remote:
git checkout main git pull origin main
Now we are ready to merge our current branch main with add-gitignore:
git merge add-gitignore
Push the changes to the remote:
git push origin main
We want to delete our secondary branch add-gitignore.
First, we need to be on another branch (main).
git checkout main
Remove local branch.
git branch -d add-gitignore
Remove remote branch.
git push origin --delete add-gitignore
Remote branch is test.
git fetch origin git branch -r (verify available remote branches) git checkout -t origin/test
To display only the user name:
who | cut -d ' ' -f1
To display additional info:
To filter only the logged-in users:
w | awk 'FNR>2 {print $1}'
who | awk '$2 ~ /^tty/ {print $1}'
~ - equals for regular expressions / / - delimitates a regular expression ^tty - starts with tty.
This will print all info.
id syslog
This will print the first column.
id syslog | awk '{print $1}'
This will get the uid value after =.
id syslog | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d= -f2
Finally, this will get the actual uid value.
id syslog | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d'(' -f1
Switch to another user, you should know only your password. User should be present in sudoers file.
sudo su <user_name>
Switch to another user, you should know only your password.
sudo su - <user_name>
- will use the environment variables of that new user.
Switch to another user, you should know the password of the new user.
su <user_name>
Switch to another user, simulate initial login (-i).
sudo -u <user_name> -i
Start a new login session.
sudo login <user_name>
Simplest and interactive way:
sudo adduser joe
We can add the existing user joe to the joegroup:
sudo adduser joe joegroup
Advanced, with more options (specify home directory, default shell, default group).
sudo groupadd joegroup sudo useradd -m -d /home/joe -s /bin/bash -g joegroup joe
m - create home directory.
d - path to the home directory.
s - set implicit shell.
g - set primary group.
To add also secondary groups:
sudo groupadd joesecond sudo groupadd joethird sudo useradd -m -d /home/joe -s /bin/bash -g joegroup -G joesecond,joethird joe
G - secondary groups separated by comma.
Add / change the joe's password:
sudo passwd joe
Add secondary groups to the user:
sudo groupadd joefourth sudo groupadd joefive sudo usermod -a -G joefourth,joefive joe
a - add (important!), without it, the user will be eliminated from the other secondary groups.
Modify the home directory:
sudo usermod -d /home/newjoe joe
d - dir name.
Change the joe's default shell (First, inspect the /etc/shells file for a list of all available shells)
sudo usermod -s /bin/sh joe
Same effect can be obtained with
sudo chsh -s /bin/sh joe
Modify the joe's primary group:
sudo usermod -g joesecond joe
Remove joe, but keep its files.
sudo userdel joe
Remove joe with all its files (from home dir and other places).
sudo userdel -r joe
r - recursive
sudo usermod -s /usr/sbin/nologin joe
Owner read and write, group read, other no permission:
chmod 640 file.txt chmod u=rw,g=r,o= file.txt
Add execute right for others:
chmod 641 file.txt chmod o+x file.txt
Eliminate read permission for group:
chmod 601 file.txt chmod g-r file.txt
Eliminate write permission for all:
chmod ugo-w file.txt
Change the owner to joe user and joegroup group.
sudo chown joe:joegroup file.txt
Change only the owner (let the group intact).
sudo chown joe file.txt
Change the owner of all files in a directory (recursive) - let the group intact.
sudo chown -R joe dir
Change the owner of all files in a directory (recursive) - change also the group.
sudo chown -R joe:joegroup dir
Suppose those 2 users are uso and so. Folder path is /uso.
sudo groupadd usogroup sudo usermod -aG usogroup uso sudo usermod -aG usogroup so sudo chgrp -R usogroup /uso sudo chmod -R 770 /uso
Generate 5 password of length 10, one per line, each containing at least one uppercase letter.
for i in {1..5}; do echo $(openssl rand -base64 9 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | cut -c 1-9)$(tr -dc 'A-Z' < /dev/urandom | head -c 1) done
Same thing using pwgen tool.
sudo apt install pwgen
pwgen -c -n -B 10 5 | tr ' ' '\n'
c (–capitalize) - at least one capital letter will be included.
n (–numerals) - at least one number will be included.
B (–ambiguous) - eliminate ambiguous characters (like 0 and O).
10 - length of the password.
5 - generate 5 password.
echo -n "Base64 is not encryption!" | base64
echo -n "QmFzZTY0IGlzIG5vdCBlbmNyeXB0aW9uIQ==" | base64 -d
d - decoding
Base64 is not encryption!
base64 file.txt > file64.txt
base64 -d file64.txt > file_dec.txt
Encrypt the file file.txt to file file.enc
echo -n "plaintext content" > file.txt openssl aes-256-cbc -in file.txt -out file.enc -pass pass:"my secret" -pbkdf2 -iter 10000
aes-256-cbc - encrypt the file using AES-256 in CBC mode
in - input file (plain text)
out - output file (encrypted)
pass - sets the passphrase (will be used for decryption)
pbkdf2 - selects PBKDF2 for key derivation, enhancing security against brute-force attacks
iter 10000 - sets the number of iterations in the key derivation, increasing the difficulty of cracking the encryption.
Decrypt the file file.enc to decrypted_file.txt.
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in file.enc -out decrypted_file.txt -pass pass:"my secret" -pbkdf2 -iter 10000
d - decrypt
Using md5 (less secure) - two ways of achieving the same result.
echo -n "plaintext content" | md5sum
f88d6c9eab9c6a2ef3cfd3c59832b4d6 -
echo -n "plaintext content" | openssl dgst -md5
MD5(stdin)= f88d6c9eab9c6a2ef3cfd3c59832b4d6
Using SHA256 (much more secure - less collision issues).
echo -n "plaintext content" | openssl dgst -sha256
SHA2-256(stdin)= d800efe86c80b6054cff4850f3044d73e979429809f28029e26cd9c4f6d6cea8
file.txt content: plaintext content
Using md5.
md5sum file.txt
88d6c9eab9c6a2ef3cfd3c59832b4d6 file.txt
Using SHA256.
sha256sum file.txt
d800efe86c80b6054cff4850f3044d73e979429809f28029e26cd9c4f6d6cea8 file.txt
Install John The Ripper tool.
sudo apt install john
Merge the Linux system files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow to create a single file (mypasswd.txt) containing user accounts and their hashed passwords.
sudo unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > mypasswd.txt
Create a word list used to guess the password.
echo -ne "school\nuniversity\nstudent" > wordlist.txt
n - avoid printing the newline
e - interpret backslash escapes.
Now we are ready to run John The Ripper.
john --wordlist=wordlist.txt mypasswd.txt
Finally, crack the passwords:
john --format=crypt mypasswd.txt
View the actual passwords (right after username):
john --format=crypt mypasswd.txt --show
hashfile contains extracted password hashes.
This will use the default dictionary (word list) file.
john --format=zip hashfile
To use a custom dictionary file:
john --format=zip hashfile --wordlist=path/to/your/wordlist.txt
Install the fcrackzip tool.
sudo apt install fcrackzip
Brute-force guessing the password. We know it has 4 characters.
fcrackzip -v -l 1-4 -u
v - verbose
l 1-4 - pwd length from 1 to 4
u - extract the zip archive when the password is found.
Use a dictionary to crack the password.
fcrackzip -u -D -p wordlist.txt
u - extract the zip archive when the password is found.
D - enables dictionary mode.
p - path to the dictionary file.
Suppose we have my-hashes.txt:
F5D6C6C424929713C297514199F7CA41 AAD24C09BF816BBC6EA29C35DF52F896 F95B70FDC3088560732A5AC135644506 6EF5FA162DA08580BF5D1F88520F7388 CBB184DD8E05C9709E5DCAEDAA0495CF 1BC29B36F623BA82AAF6724FD3B16718
We'll take each line, put it in
The decrypted info from each line will form the final message.