====== Apache Felix ====== http://felix.apache.org/ Apache Felix is a community effort to implement the OSGi Framework and Service platform and other interesting OSGi-related technologies under the Apache license. ===== Apache Felix Gogo ===== http://felix.apache.org/documentation/subprojects/apache-felix-gogo.html Apache Felix Gogo is a subproject of Apache Felix implementing a command line shell for OSGi. It is used in many OSGi runtimes and servers (Felix distro, Eclipse IDE, Apache Karaf, ...). All commands here: http://felix.apache.org/documentation/subprojects/apache-felix-gogo.html ==== Commands ==== === Launch Gogo === java -jar bin/felix.jar Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo === List bundles === lb START LEVEL 1 ID|State |Level|Name 0|Active | 0|System Bundle (6.0.1)|6.0.1 1|Active | 1|JLine Bundle (3.7.0)|3.7.0 2|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo Command (1.0.2)|1.0.2 3|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo JLine Shell (1.1.0)|1.1.0 4|Active | 1|Apache Felix Gogo Runtime (1.1.0)|1.1.0 5|Active | 1|MJ-OSGIHelloWorldProvider (1.0.0)|1.0.0 6|Installed | 1|osgi.core (| === Install bundle === install file:///E:/MJ/OSGIHelloWorldProvider/target/osgi.hello-world-provider-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar Bundle ID: 5 === Start bundle === start 5 === Check bundle status === bundle 5 Location file:/E:/MJ/OSGIHelloWorld/target/osgi.hello-world.jar State 32 LastModified 1548357508506 Headers [Export-Package=ro.medjava.osgi.provider.able;version="1.0.0",ro.medjava.osgi.provider;uses:="org.osgi.framework";version="1.0.0", Bundle-ManifestVersion=2, Bundle-SymbolicName=MJ-OSGIHelloWorldProvider, Bundle-Version=1.0.0, Created-By=1.8.0_111 (Oracle Corporation), Manifest-Version=1.0, Bnd-LastModified=1548356548522, Bundle-Name=MJ-OSGIHelloWorldProvider, Import-Package=org.osgi.framework,ro.medjava.osgi.provider.able, Bundle-Activator=ro.medjava.osgi.provider.ProviderActivator, Require-Capability=osgi.ee;filter:="(&(osgi.ee=JavaSE)(version=1.8))", Tool=Bnd-] Version 1.0.0 BundleContext org.apache.felix.framework.BundleContextImpl@9bf0b04 RegisteredServices [HelloWorldService] Bundle 5|Active | 1|MJ-OSGIHelloWorldProvider (1.0.0) Revisions [MJ-OSGIHelloWorldProvider [5](R 5.0)] SymbolicName MJ-OSGIHelloWorldProvider BundleId 5 ServicesInUse null === Stop bundle === stop 5 === Uninstall bundle === uninstall 5 === List all services === inspect capability service or - short version: inspect cap service org.apache.felix.framework [0] provides: ---------------------------------------- service; org.osgi.service.resolver.Resolver with properties: service.bundleid = 0 service.id = 1 service.scope = singleton service; org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin with properties: service.bundleid = 0 service.id = 2 service.scope = singleton service; org.osgi.service.startlevel.StartLevel with properties: service.bundleid = 0 service.id = 3 service.scope = singleton Used by: org.apache.felix.framework [0] org.jline [1] provides: ----------------------- service [EMPTY] org.apache.felix.gogo.command [2] provides: ------------------------------------------- service; org.apache.felix.gogo.command.Basic with properties: osgi.command.function = bundlelevel, frameworklevel, headers, help, install, lb, log, refresh, resolve, start, stop, uninstall, update, which osgi.command.scope = felix service.bundleid = 2 service.id = 4 service.scope = singleton service; org.apache.felix.gogo.command.Inspect with properties: osgi.command.function = inspect osgi.command.scope = felix service.bundleid = 2 service.id = 5 service.scope = singleton Used by: org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime [4] service; org.apache.felix.gogo.command.Files with properties: osgi.command.function = cd, ls osgi.command.scope = felix service.bundleid = 2 service.id = 6 service.scope = singleton org.apache.felix.gogo.jline [3] provides: ----------------------------------------- service; org.apache.felix.service.command.Converter with properties: service.bundleid = 3 service.id = 9 service.scope = singleton Used by: org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime [4] service; org.apache.felix.gogo.jline.Builtin with properties: osgi.command.function = format, getopt, new, set, tac, type, jobs, fg, bg, keymap, setopt, unsetopt, complete, history, widget, __files, __directories, __usage_completion osgi.command.scope = gogo service.bundleid = 3 service.id = 10 service.scope = singleton service; org.apache.felix.gogo.jline.Procedural with properties: osgi.command.function = each, if, not, throw, try, until, while, break, continue osgi.command.scope = gogo service.bundleid = 3 service.id = 11 service.scope = singleton service; org.apache.felix.gogo.jline.Posix with properties: osgi.command.function = cat, echo, grep, sort, sleep, cd, pwd, ls, less, watch, nano, tmux, head, tail, clear, wc, date, ttop osgi.command.scope = gogo service.bundleid = 3 service.id = 12 service.scope = singleton service; org.apache.felix.gogo.jline.Shell with properties: osgi.command.function = gosh, sh, source, help osgi.command.scope = gogo service.bundleid = 3 service.id = 13 service.scope = singleton org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime [4] provides: ------------------------------------------- service; org.apache.felix.service.threadio.ThreadIO with properties: service.bundleid = 4 service.id = 7 service.scope = singleton service; org.apache.felix.service.command.CommandProcessor with properties: service.bundleid = 4 service.id = 8 service.scope = singleton Used by: org.apache.felix.gogo.jline [3] MJ-OSGIHelloWorldProvider [5] provides: --------------------------------------- service; ro.medjava.osgi.provider.able.HelloWorldService with properties: service.bundleid = 5 service.id = 15 service.scope = singleton Bundle 6 is not resolved. === Lists all services provided by a bundle === inspect cap service 5 MJ-OSGIHelloWorldProvider [5] provides: --------------------------------------- service; ro.medjava.osgi.provider.able.HelloWorldService with properties: service.bundleid = 5 service.id = 15 service.scope = singleton === Exit shell === CTRL + D