====== NetworkManager DNS Configuration ======
Configure NetworkManager DNS settings to use reliable DNS servers (Google DNS + local router) while preventing automatic DHCP overwrites. \\
This ensures stable DNS resolution for both general networking and Docker operations.
===== Main Commands =====
sudo nmcli con mod p8p1 ipv4.dns ""
sudo nmcli con mod p8p1 ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes
sudo nmcli con up p8p1
===== Explanations =====
First command sets DNS servers in preferred order:
* - Google primary DNS (fast and stable)
* - Google secondary DNS (backup)
* - Local router DNS (fallback)
Second command prevents DHCP DNS overwriting:
* ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes - ignores automatically received DNS
* Maintains complete control over DNS configuration
* Prevents unwanted interference
Third command activates new settings:
* Applies changes to network interface
* Reloads NetworkManager configuration
* Updates /etc/resolv.conf
===== Verification =====
To verify configuration:
nmcli con show p8p1 | grep dns
cat /etc/resolv.conf
* Replace ''p8p1'' with your network interface name
* You can see available interfaces with ''nmcli con show''
* Configuration persists after reboot
* Helps resolve Docker image pull issues and DNS resolution problems.