====== Using reduce to group people by age ====== In this example, the accumulator starts as an empty object {}, and the function is applied to each person object in the people array. This function is a neat example of how you can use **reduce** in conjunction with other modern JavaScript features like **destructuring** and the **nullish coalescing operator** to concisely perform a complex transformation on an array. function groupPeople(people) { if (people !== null && Array.isArray(people) && Array(people).length !== 0 && typeof people[0] === 'object') { let groupedPeopleByAge = people.reduce((group, person) => { const { age } = person; //destructuring group[age] = group[age] ?? []; //nullish coalescing operatorn group[age].push(person.name); return group; }, {}); return groupedPeopleByAge; } return []; } let people = [ { name: "Alice", age: 25 }, { name: "Bob", age: 25 }, { name: "Charlie", age: 30 }, { name: "David", age: 30 }, { name: "Eve", age: 25 } ]; let groupedPeopleByAge = groupPeople(people); console.log(groupedPeopleByAge); Output: { '25': [ 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Eve' ], '30': [ 'Charlie', 'David' ] }