====== Multiplication Table Generator ====== ===== For client side (web browser) ===== This is a simple script to print a multiplication table generator using simple java script and html. \\ Output example: {{:java-script:pasted:20230803-022409.png}} ==== All code js + html in the same file ====

Multiplication Table Generator

==== Js code separated from html code ====

Multiplication Table Generator

function createMultiplicationTable(rows, columns) { let html = ''; for(let rowNumber = 1; rowNumber <= rows; rowNumber++) { html = html + ''; for(let columnNumber = 1; columnNumber <= columns; columnNumber++) { html = html + ``; } html = html + ''; } html = html + '
${rowNumber * columnNumber}
'; return html; } function onGeneratePressed() { let rowsInput = document.getElementById("rows-input").value; let columnsInput = document.getElementById("columns-input").value; let rows = Number(rowsInput); let columns = Number(columnsInput); if (isNaN(rows) || isNaN(columns)) { alert("Invalid input! Please enter numbers only."); return; } let tableHTML = createMultiplicationTable(rows, columns); document.getElementById("table-container").innerHTML = tableHTML; }
===== For server side (node.js) ===== First you need to [[.node-js:setup|setup your node.js project]] Then create a src folder and inside it place index.js and generateTable.js: export function createMultiplicationTable(rows, columns) { let tableString = ''; for(let rowNumber = 1; rowNumber <= rows; rowNumber++) { for(let columnNumber = 1; columnNumber <= columns; columnNumber++) { tableString = tableString + ` ${rowNumber * columnNumber} `; } tableString = tableString + '\n'; } return tableString; } import { createMultiplicationTable } from "./generateTable.js"; let args = process.argv.slice(2); let rowsInput = args[0]; let columnsInput = args[1]; let rows = Number(rowsInput); let columns = Number(columnsInput); if (isNaN(rows) || isNaN(columns)) { console.log("Invalid input! Please enter numbers only."); } else { let tableString = createMultiplicationTable(rows, columns); console.log(tableString); } To run the code, from the project root folder: node src/index.js 5 5 Will output in the console: 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 6 8 10 3 6 9 12 15 4 8 12 16 20 5 10 15 20 25