====== Oracle 12 Pluggable database ====== ===== Auto start a pluggable database when Oracle starts ===== export ORACLE_HOME=/path/to/db_home export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export ORACLE_SID=GDB_SID - SID of the global database name to connect to the main database - CDB (not pluggable - PDB) sqlplus / as sysdba Next, to open a single PDB: alter pluggable database PDB_NAME open; To open all PDBs: alter pluggable database all open; To keep the PDBs opened after Oracle restart, we need to save their actual opened state: For just one PDB: alter pluggable database PDB_NAME save state; For more PDBs: alter pluggable database all except PDB_NAME1, PDB_NAME2 save state; For all PDBs: alter pluggable database all save state; ===== Show all pluggable databases status ===== col NAME for a10 select name, open_mode from v$pdbs; NAME OPEN_MODE ---------- ---------- PDB$SEED READ ONLY FLPDB READ WRITE