====== Oracle - import dump ====== ===== Optional - create a dedicated tablespace, otherwise use the default one ===== CREATE TABLESPACE "NEWTBS" NOLOGGING DATAFILE 'C:\DEV\ORACLE\ORADATA\MJ\5E1C9A696BD54020916EA3277599305C\DATAFILE\NEWTBS' SIZE 307200K AUTOEXTEND ON EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL ONLINE SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO BLOCKSIZE 8192 ===== Create user and assign rights ===== CREATE USER SNT611 IDENTIFIED BY snt611 DEFAULT TABLESPACE DATA TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP PROFILE DEFAULT / GRANT RESOURCE TO SNT611 / GRANT CONNECT TO SNT611 / GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO SNT611 / GRANT DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE TO SNT611 ===== Create dump directory ===== CREATE DIRECTORY dump AS 'C:\dump' Next: * Copy dump file in the dump directory * Check the dump log file and note the schema and the tablespaces used, we'll need to remap them to match the existing schema and tablespaces ===== Execute the import command ===== From the machine where Oracle is installed, run the import: impdp SNT611/snt611@PMJ DIRECTORY=dump DUMPFILE=exp_ASENTIN2_scm_15Mar072114.dmp remap_schema=SENTINEL_MGR:SNT611 remap_tablespace=SENTINEL_AA:DATA Here we can have multiple remap_ parameters. NOTE: If no log option is specified, an import.log file will be created by default in the dump folder.