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java:threads:concurrent-binary-tree [2024/01/17 03:55] – created odeftajava:threads:concurrent-binary-tree [2024/01/17 03:58] (current) odefta
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 This implementation and usage example demonstrate a practical approach to managing concurrent access to a complex data structure like a binary tree in Java. By ensuring each node's thread-safe operations, the tree can be modified concurrently by multiple threads without data inconsistencies or race conditions. This implementation and usage example demonstrate a practical approach to managing concurrent access to a complex data structure like a binary tree in Java. By ensuring each node's thread-safe operations, the tree can be modified concurrently by multiple threads without data inconsistencies or race conditions.
 +===== Example Input =====
 +Suppose we have seven threads, each inserting a unique value into the binary tree. The values to be inserted by these threads are as follows:
 +Thread 1 inserts 5 \\ 
 +Thread 2 inserts 3 \\ 
 +Thread 3 inserts 7 \\ 
 +Thread 4 inserts 2 \\ 
 +Thread 5 inserts 4 \\ 
 +Thread 6 inserts 6 \\ 
 +Thread 7 inserts 8 \\ 
 +===== Expected Output =====
 +The expected output will be the in-order traversal of the binary tree after all threads have completed their insertions. In-order traversal of a binary tree prints the node values in ascending order.
 +For the given input, the output should be: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 +This output represents the binary tree's elements sorted in ascending order, indicating that the concurrent insertions were successful and the tree structure was maintained correctly.
java/threads/concurrent-binary-tree.1705456514.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/17 03:55 by odefta